26020D08-EB19-4A86-BB45-6CB9159664FD What Is The Oldest Known Use of Cannabis? - Cahaba Hemp Co.

What Is The Oldest Known Use of Cannabis?

The oldest known use of cannabis dates back to ancient China, where it was used for medicinal and spiritual purposes. Cannabis plants have been found in burial sites in China that date back to 4000 BC, where it was used for a variety of purposes including as a food source, for fiber to make clothing and other items, and for medicinal purposes. Chinese Emperor Shen Nung is said to have recommended the use of marijuana for a variety of ailments in 2737 BC.

There is also evidence of the use of cannabis in ancient cultures in Central and South America, as well as in Africa, India, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and the Middle East. In many of these cultures, cannabis was used for medicinal purposes, as well as for spiritual and recreational purposes. In more recent history, cannabis has been used for a variety of purposes, including as a source of fiber for clothing and paper, and as a recreational drug.

In more recent times, cannabis has been used for a variety of purposes including for its psychoactive effects, as a medicine, and as a source of fiber and oil. Despite its long history of use, the legal status of cannabis has varied widely over time and across different cultures.