
Made With Bees; Made With Love

Our company fully supports the honeybee in any way that we can. Simply buying our handmade products, like our hemp wick, helps local beekeepers keep their honeybee population up. The honeybee is our saving grace to the human race. Without them, our crop production would be devastated. We are also a member of our local beekeeper’s association and strongly encourage you to join your local chapter, too- even if you don’t own any bees yet. You can find more information on your local honey bees here.

Reducing Carbon Footprints

Buying hemp also supports a much larger picture. Hemp as a textile helps the economy as well as the environment. According to the North American Industrial Hemp Council, hemp can yield 3-8 dry tons of fiber per acre, four times what an average forest can yield. This places hemp as a precious, low-impact textile. We only use free-trade hemp and are a part of the National Hemp Association. To learn more, check out our Info section.